What are Fire Dues?
Palmerdale is a Fire District covering multiple municipalities and unincorporated areas so there is no special tax collected through property taxes for public safety. Therefore, our funding comes through Fire Dues which are charged annually to all property owners in our District. Fire Dues are calculated based on the Jefferson County Tax Assessor’s value of property. Invoices are sent out each year in October and cover a period covering November 1 to October 31 of the following year. (ex. 2023 Fire Dues covering 11/01/2022 to 10/31/2023 will be mailed in October 2022.) Fire Dues are delinquent if they are not paid in full by February 28th. Accounts not paid in full by the delinquent date are sent a Second Notice with a $20 re-billing fee added and given until May 31 to pay in full. If not paid in full by the second deadline, balances are subject to being turned over to the Jefferson County Tax Collector for collection on the following property tax bill or sent to our attorney for collection.
Have Questions? Send an email to FireDues@PalmerdaleFire.org
How Can I Pay my Fire Dues?
Mail a Check or Money Order to: Palmerdale Fire District, PO Box 267, Palmerdale, AL 35123. (USPS Postmark by February 28th considered on-time)
Pay in Person by Cash, Check or Money Order at the Fire Dues Office inside PFD Station 1 located at 5340 Miles Spring Rd, Pinson, AL 35126. Office Hours are Monday - Friday, 08:30 to 12:00.
Drop off your payment at PFD Station 1 in the secured Fire Dues Drop Box located by the front door. (Check/Money Order only in a sealed envelope)
Pay by Debit Card, Credit Card or ACH bank transfer through DOXO https://www.doxo.com/info/palmerdalefire (approx. 3.5% fee for Debit/Credit Card payments, $3.99 for bank transfer, Free if you Link bank account) Multiple accounts can be paid in one transaction by entering the total due and entering all account #’s with space in between. (Creation date by February 28th considered on-time)
Click the link for the current Service Charge Ordinance.
Click the link for the current Fire Dues Fee Schedule.
Click the link for a sample of how Fire Dues are calculated.
Click the link to view our coverage map.

Would you like your Fire Dues Invoice Emailed?
Fire Dues are sent out each year in October, Second Notices in March.
If you would like yours sent by email, sign up below.